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Old 10-09-2008, 09:53 PM   #17
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Posts: 137

I think how someone goes about "rehoming" is important. If your willing to keep your dog until you find the perfect home and your doing what's best for the dog, then fine. Finding the right home should be more important than getting your money back or getting rid of the dog ASAP. However, putting an add on Craiglist and handing the dog over to the first person who comes up with an outrageous "rehoming fee" is dispicable. "Rehoming" shouldn't be taken lightly either. I believe bring home a dog should be viewed as a 10year+ commitment not some you can give up if the pup is too big, hard to pottytrain, etc. I find it shocking that there are people who would consider getting rid of a dog b/c it's 2lbs bigger then what they were promised or turned out to be the wrong color.

I also think it's important for people to own up to their part in why the dog was rehomed. Too many people pass it off as a breed or gender thing. "I'll never have another _____, they're all hard to train." Some breeds are harder to train, more needy, more vocal, etc. than others. That's why research and planning before you bring home a pup is soooo important. It's also a good reason to buy from a good breeder as opposed to a petstore/BYB/miller. A good breeder will have no problem telling you "this isn't the right breed for you" or "this isn't a good time in your life to add a puppy." Bad breeders will tell you anything just to get your money even if it means putting a pup in a home they know won't work out.
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