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Old 09-17-2005, 11:22 AM   #10
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: sharpsburg
Posts: 5
Animal Smiley 036 How about a Free (not-so-housebroken)Gorgeous Yorkie..

My name is Elaine, I live in Sharpsburg and recently adopted a pure bred adult Yorkie in good faith that she was housebroken, about 4 yrs old and spayed. Unfortunately her previous owner was neglectful and deceitful to me. She is not housebroken, was not spayed and is actually 7yrs old. When I picked her up she wreaked of cig. smoke and was flea infested. I fell in love with her anyway because she had that look in her eyes,like "please take me home with you", and was quick to snuggle and show love. I took her to my local vet immediately and had her treated for fleas and tested for worms, she passed her exam with flying colors and I had her spayed a couple weeks ago. She has had teeth and gum neglect also and has no teeth left but does really well with dry/wet mixed dog food by Eukanuba. The only two issues I am having with her is the lack of potty training. I work eight hours a day and tried to baby-gate her in the kitchen, but she climbs over and deposits all over my carpet during the day (the costs of carpet cleaner is getting too much for me to handle). Also she is a little skittish of my three yr old boy and runs from him when he tries to "love on her" and it breaks his heart that she won't let him catch her to pat her. Bella needs a special home with special attention. Yorkies will live up to 12-15 years so she has a lot of life left in her and is very healthy (she recovered from her spaying in 1 week) despite her toothlessness. She is spoiled and very lovable to adults, but will not snap or bark at children(she is actually afraid and will run from little people). She is free and comes with food, bed, clothes, leash, baby-gate, frontline, heartgard and up to date medical records.....Please let me know if you or someone you know is interested.,
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