Thread: oh what to do
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Old 09-09-2008, 01:44 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by BamaFan121s View Post
I find that hard to believe. Most shelters only charge what the cost of s/n would be, maybe a little more if there were medical costs incurred with the dog while in their care, but certainly not thousands to adopt from a shelter.

Awww...don't feel that way. All you have to do is ask (which you did). There are lots of people here who will give you advice on what they feel is best for your girl, as has already been done. Now whether or not you take that advice is up to you. Accidents happen, no one is blaming you. But in all honesty, someone who is inexperienced in breeding and a puppy that is potentially carrying a litter is NOT a good scenario. Sometimes what is best for the dog, which is what you claim to want for her, is not always the easiest decision or the path you want to take. But you already sound like you have your mind made up, so like you said, I'm not sure how much 'help' you are going to get here.

Best of luck.

And all breeders start out inexperienced. You don't just wake up one day and you are an experienced breeder. Do you suggest someone have their pets spayed unless they have experience? How do they then get experience? Oh yeah, by experiencing. There are many complications that can come up in any birth, with any dog, but all in all, breeding and birthing dogs is not rocket science.
Proud Mommy of Gavin, Ethan, Morgan, Nia, Olivia, and Kiana and baby #7! Also Mommy to furkids: Cleo ,Lola, Lilly Appletini, and Diesel. and Sunny, Ethan's Golden therapy dog in training.
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