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Old 09-05-2008, 07:56 AM   #4
Mojo, LilyGrace & Me
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Thanks everyone!

I called the camera place this morning...and at first, they were of no help, but I kept at 'em! First, they wanted to charge a $10 fee to have the package shipped to a different location (in hopes that would help)...I was upset because I had told the person (and I had her name, time I spoke w/ her, etc written down --- believe me, I have learned to keep track when dealing w/ FedEx)....anyway, I had told this person before about our problems w/ FedEx and I needed a different shipment option (which there was none) I didn't feel it was my place to have to pay a fee to get help w/ this now....when I knew there would be a problem with FedEx.

Anyway, the camera place called the main guy over my local FedEx place. She gave him all the details and had given him my "log" of all the calls I have made to FedEx regarding this delivery, etc. She called me back and said this guy was very upset and that the package would be here TODAY and that I just need to call and let him know if I needed to go anywhere today -- since I have been sitting at home WAITING all week.

Anyway, I called FedEx and sent in my complaint (again) about this ON GOING problem w/this driver and was told that there have been several complaints about him in the past (um...if so many, why is he still the driver on this route??)...anyway, I told them that today I would be gone for an hour and that the package needs to be delivered after 4pm and that I have sat here waiting for it since the 2nd, when it was scheduled to be delivered. The guy got on the phone (with me on the other line) and called the driver! So....he knows to deliver after 4:00 today!

It's just upsetting that my camera has been on their truck since Aug. 30th and I still do not have it! -- and it is even more upsetting that this driver logs that he attempted to deliver and never even comes out here....that is VERY VERY upsetting!!!

So.....hopefully, my camera will be here after 4pm today!

This is just insane to have to go thru this every single time we have a FedEx delivery!! Why can't companies ship via a different method??!!! When I asked the camera place this morning, she said that FedEx was the only method they use...arugh....I know my mother's business, there are several places that won't accept UPS deliveries, so they have to ships those parcels via USPS...I mean, it can be done! And if a customer has problems or can't accept certain deliveries...I just feel they should work w/ them!!

Anyway, thanks for letting me rant and makes me feel better to get it out! --- and let's hope and pray my camera gets here today!!!!!
Hi I'm Jenn Mom to.....
Mojo,LilyGrace & DD Kate
RIP Mojo FOREVER in our hearts!

Last edited by Jenn218; 09-05-2008 at 08:00 AM.
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