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Old 09-14-2005, 05:25 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by red98vett
It's a TERRIBLE situation either way - I just wish the Sale of Live Animals in Pet Stores was totally BANNED in this country - then the mills would be not mass breeding like they are. Either way - the dogs lose. It's a terrible vicious circle.
I've never thought about banning it. That's really a good idea and a pretty obvious one at that. Most good breeders don't sell to pet stores so they are pretty all mills so it wouldn't be hurting anyone it shouldn't. IT would hurt the mills then maybe the pet stores but if you're buying puppies from a puppy mill you're no better than the puppy mill itself, at least in my opinion.
Chris I think a lot of people think the same way as you, I know I did. I thought of it more as saving a puppy rather than saving the puppy mill. Then one day it just clicked.

I think another reason, not the main reason however, is that people try to save the people that would be buying the puppy the heart break that very well could occur. A lot of times these puppies aren't healthy and people want others to get healthy puppies so they don't have to deal with vet visits/bills and possibly death. The main reason not to buy them is because of supporting puppy mills but sometimes this reason can be quite convincing as well.
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