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Old 08-31-2008, 06:59 AM   #5
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Albany New York USA
Posts: 151
Talking teeth!

I had a Maltese that was 13 before the vet mentioned teeth cleaning and of course I didn't do it, that was long ago enough that they didn't recommend it like now. But at the time my vet gave me something that worked great and since the Yorkies have such historically bad teeth, I use it now for them. It's called Antirobe Aquadrops. It's in liquid form and not expensive. It's an antibiotic that targets the bacteria in the mouth and it is used one week a month to prevent tooth and mouth problems. It really worked great on the Maltese whose teeth were tartar caked for 13 years, it loosened the tartar and it either came off or could be scraped off with your fingernail. No more bad breath or red inflamed gums and for an old boy it was amazing. I have used it for my 5 1/2 year old Yorkie for a couple of years now. I made sure to ask about the over use of antibiotics and they assured me of the safety of this because it really targets the mouth. It is always a matter of possible side effects weighed out against the probability of what bad teeth can cause. As well as the horrible possibilities of what can happen under anesthesia. I couldn't imagine a lifetime of regular anesthesia for teeth, not to mention the cost. I also just found this seaweed powder that you sprinkle on their food called Plaqueoff and it has made quite an impression on people and vets around here. I just started using it for the puppy so I don't have feedback yet. Sorry for the long post but I know this is such an issue for Yorkies!
Lisa Desiree Cassidy
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