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Old 08-21-2008, 06:05 PM   #83
Senior Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: MD
Posts: 111

I like the formula that uses water, sodium and potassium (K-salt) and Karo. I have a great vet who listens to all my ramblings and she agreed that IF a drop of formula with fat in it, such as milk or egg yolk, gets into the lung of these tiniest puppies they can get a pneumonia that is extremely hard to treat in such small babies. The formula without fat is used for only the first 24-36 hours and you must work really hard to get the puppy started nursing.
Also, I read in one of my books that years ago people fed only milk formulas (there was no commercial formula) and there was a high incidence of cataracts. Has anyone read or heard that???
Sometimes, these babies are just not meant to stay with us and they die no matter how hard we try to save them. But, as has been said, we learn from every experience and pray we don't need to use what we learned again.
Congrats to all the new moms...
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