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Old 08-14-2008, 07:28 AM   #1
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Default New puppy alert, t-minus 3 days and counting

Eeek! I'm getting nervous now, Saturday morning my little one will be coming home with us! It's been so long in the works I'm having a hard time processing that it's real and happening in just a few hours (well, days are only hours)!

I know I'm rather new and don't know anyone really, but I think I just need some good thoughts and support (and of course nice things are always good to hear)!

For a while my whole world has been planning and preparing for this puppy. She already has a lot: a plastic travel crate, a metal crate, 2 beds for her crate (while one's in the wash she'll have the back-up bed), water and food bowls, LOTS of toys (some for chewing, some for playing, and lots of stuffed animals), 3 kinds of treats, a leash, a harness, a tube of nutrical for puppies, an extra bag of food that her breeder feeds her (I'll probably switch but won't for a bit since the travel and change of homes will be stressful enough for her), an x-pen (that's being shipped and will arrive a few days after she gets home), and a few pieces of clothing that her wonderful granddogmother (my Mom) gave me. I'm not sure what else I need or should get for her. I know she'll need shampoo/conditioner, brush(es), and toothbrush/paste. I'm not sure which of the above to get as everyone has their own opinion and I haven't figured out what'd be best for my little girl.

But aside from worrying I feel horrible because I feel a bit detached. I can concentrate on the physical objects, things she needs, but it's as if I can't wrap my head around her being a real, living and breathing creature that'll be part of my family. (I'm all about mentally picturing things and I just can't see her in my mind, not right now at least.) I'm hoping it's because I've only been with her once before (for an hour or two) and that was a month ago. Since then I know she's changed a lot and I have no idea what she's like now. I'm hoping that as I see her again things come in to place. I have a passion for animals and dogs, I just know that I'll be a great mom to her, but I keep freaking out that I just don't feel attached yet.

I figure preparing can't hurt, so I've read LOTS of material and have 3 books at home. I still feel totally unprepared but I'm sure I'll just figure it out as I go. I've had puppies before, but not in years, so I know what I'm getting myself in to, but just I don't remember my past experiences of having a puppy that well. I'm sure others have asked and others have answered but does anyone have any advice for a soon to be first time yorkie mom?

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