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Old 09-09-2005, 10:34 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Lady of Yorkies
Ok, Lacijo is now 7 -7 1/2 inches off the floor to her topline, weighs 3.5# When we bought her the breeder had cut her hair twice. She was 5 1/2 months old. We hadn't had her very long before we noticed how cute she was when she peed. She squated so close to the paper. Now I wonder if there wasn't a reason for the hair cuts. All my dogs are paper trained and don't go outside much and never alone, we have some large birds in our area.

Her hair doesn't scrape the floor when she walks but in another 3 or 4 months it very well might. I wanted to grow her hair out, get a professional picture and then get her hair trimmed to a more managable length, since I have 5 Yorkies now and plan on getting 3 possibly 4 more.

She has been getting VERY nasty the last month. I should wash her back end at least every 3 days but I don't want to strip out the body oils and ruin her hair. So I let her go for as long as I can. I don't know how she does it but the urine gets almost all the way up on her back. It doesn't quite reach her topline. The situation has changed lately. She has decided she likes me. She was just a daddy's dog, and for some reason the smell didn't bother him. My dogs, most of them sleep on the bed with us. She has taken to sleeping really close to my face. Yuck! When I sit on the couch she gets on the back and tries to sit behind my head. Yuck and yuck again.

I thought about tying her hair up on her legs but first of all she'd chew them right out and secondly she is so close to the floor when she pees that it would get into it anyway. Like I said, I want to grow her coat out but I can't take this stinky little girl, any suggestions? Sylvia
I think you better pm to sylvia if she hasn't answered ( didn't read all). I turn Crystal
upside down every evening and run some tempid water on her pee pee so she is
cleaned up down there and has time to dry before bed time. I know what you
mean about the odor, one day over 7 and it's bad. There is a product I like and
you don't even have to send for it. It's called between bath by Natural Touch.
They have one with a baby powder scent that I just love with no dyes and no alcohol.
I'll give you the phone # if you can't find it. 1-800-443-4321 It also detangles and
conditions so I don't think it would harm her coat in any way. I have used it a long
time and see no harm.

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