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Old 08-12-2008, 08:52 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by TammyJM View Post
My husband and I love where we live and have enjoyed living next door to an older couple (in their 80's). They are our only neighbors because we do not have a house on the other side of us. They are truly such sweet people and have treated us like family. We even invited them over for our daughter's 5th birthday and she is CONSTANTLY bringing us our things from her garden or cookies that she has baked. They are sweet to my children and they dote all over I said, they are kind, good people. Ok, so you are asking, "What's the problem then?". Well, they had decided that they wanted a dog (a Beagle to be specific)...I know I said that they are in their 80's, but they act as if they are in their 50's...truly! They came across a Beagle at the humane society and their daughter bought her and surprised them with her last week. Since then, not once has that dog pottied or pooed in their own yard...yep, you guessed it, our yard has become Julie's (the beagle) litterbox. Sometimes, she uses the part of the yard on the other side of the technically doesn't belong to us, but still....ugh! They do not even let her do this in their own yard, regardless of what side of the sidewalk it is on so you know they have to understand that we wouldn't like it either. Also, the people that live on the other side of them is like God to Bob and Mryt (my neighbors)...they would NEVER EVER think of letting their dog do this to his yard!! I have no idea how to handle this because I would not feel comfortable telling them directly. My husband said that he is going to start taking Harley over to their yard to potty. I also feel like this is too direct, but yet passive aggressive and I am not comfortable with that.


Hey Tammy you said they are in the 80's maybe they forget, who knows but I will think if you hubby came over and talk to them they will know that he wouldn't lie about it, so sorry you have to go through this, good neighbors are hard to find and they sure sound it like a goodones. I also had a neighbor who two chi will come and poop and pee in my front yard one day I caught her and her's chi and I give her "the look" and I think she got the mssg she don't even pass in front of my place now she use the front neighbor can you believe this hope things get solve in the best way for you all
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