Thread: Is it just me?
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Old 08-04-2008, 07:44 PM   #19
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There are some rescues that I have in mind right now that go above and beyond and take in mostly sick/injured/behavioral problem dogs, and it costs ALOT of money to get these dogs back on their feet. They spend thousands on liver shunt surgeries, LP surgeries, and a million other type of surgeries and vet visits, bloodwork, meds, etc. Not all of them do this, but a couple that I am thinking of off the top of my head do this, and they are non-profit organizations and help these dogs completely from donations and adoption fees. The adoption fees don't even begin to cover the amount of money they put into the dogs. They do not let their dogs go until they have been completely checked out meaning that they had any surgeries that they needed, spay/neuter, they have recovered, etc.
Of course, like I said, not all rescues do this, but those that do are charging very minimal adoption fees.
Typically, they charge more for the younger, healthy dogs and less for the dogs who need lifelong medical care or are older.
Miko 's his Mommy
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