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Old 07-10-2008, 11:19 AM   #1
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Default Teddy Punishes Us?

Well last week we were gone most of 3 days in a row. My husband had just got back from a long detachment so we went to the movies to see walle one day and hancock the other and the other we went in search of local pagan stores.

First let me say teddy is neutered and now only goes potty on purpose outside(he has excited accidents). Well he had been acting up the day after the 3 days and again on the 4th day.. well I'm in the bathroom of our apartment and teddy usually hangs outside the door and my husband walks back into the hallway to see what he's doing and to play with him.. when teddy looks up at him.. Lifts up his leg and moves down the wall by the bathroom and pees all over it! He always throws fits and does bad things when we're gone for awhile(he's always walked when we get back and played with and we make sure he has plenty of water and we leave the tv on and give him a box to stand on to look out windows so we know he has to be entertained when we're gone). Anyone have any advice on how to deal with a terrible teenage acting dog who likes to get back at it's owners?

~Member of the Teapot Club~
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