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Old 06-19-2008, 11:49 AM   #45
Chloe and Joey
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Burlington, NJ, USA
Posts: 271

Oh, thats right - I remember reading a prior post of yours. So sorry for the other dogs! Fortunately, Doo Doo has you to take care of her. Have you noticed her belly get a lot bigger over a few day period or has it remained the same? Have you noticed any discharge? Has her diet changed - if you know, recently?

Im not an experienced breeder - this is my first time. However, I found that her belly got noticeably bigger around day 29 or so. I think, and there are amazing breeders on this website who know better than myself, that typically the belly gets bigger around day 33 - 35. Also, I believe that there is a discharge that you will notice (clear) around week 4 or so (I found that after this discharge, her belly was noticeably bigger a few days later). In addition, I noticed that Chloe's diet has really changed within the past week or so (day 38, I would estimate). These are just some things that may give you a guide on what timeframe you are looking at.

However, the more experienced breeders will be able to give you a ton of helpful information. I know that I am grateful for all that they have told me so far!
Jenn, Chloe's Mom.
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