Thread: grooming
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Old 06-17-2008, 01:31 AM   #6
Diana Sophia
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Originally Posted by Orlynn View Post
Can anyone tell me a good shampoo to use on my toy Yorkie? I am currently using an oatmeal shampoo which is great for Tabithas skin because she has allergies really bad but after her bath her eyes water so much and they get crusty the next day. Also, my groomer I've been taking her to is cutting the hair around her nose and mouth so short that when it grows back in, its growing straight up and sticking her in the eyes, which also makes her eyes water! Are the groomers suppose to crop that hair so much? One last question, is the hair around her pads on her feet, is that suppose to be trimmed as part of her regular grooming? Poor thing can't get a grip on the kitchen floor, shes just slipping around now that it's getting longer. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated!
I'm a newer Yorkie owner, but I researched the breed for 1-1/2 years before deciding to bring her home.
I found some great detailed videos on how to groom your Yorkie. If you want to watch it... I will try and find it for you. Just let me know.
I was also given some great tips by my Breeder who has been showing dogs for the past 40 years. I learned to groom her myself, so that she would not have to go to a groomers. I was so worried that if she had just one bad experience... then she would never trust anyone to groomer her in the future. Not to mention, it saves money and I love the one-on-one time with her.
My little Lola also uses a Oatmeal Shampoo (Vet Solutions with Oatmeal and Aloe) but I never use it on her face. On her face I use Johnson & Johnson - Baby Shampoo - With No Tears. I love the way it makes her smell.
As far as the hair between her toes I get her little bed out when we do our grooming. She lays on her back and falls right to sleep while I cut the hair between her toes. I use scissors that are curved and also have "No Points on the Tip". They work wonderful for cutting around small areas. I just spread her toes and cut the hair as short as I can get it. Then once I'm ready for her to stand... I then cut the hair on the front of her toes. I shade it with the curve of the front of her feet. I do this every week durning our grooming.
I also, shave 1/3 of the inside and outside of the tips of her ears. Then I will remove the hair from inside her ear canal if it is long enough to get out.
Also, while she is sleeping on her back in that very comfortable bed... I shave the hair around her privates. This way, she doesn't make a mess on herself beautiful hair while she is going potty.
So, I have never been told to cut the hair around her eyes or nose but I will ask my Breeder about this. I would think, it shouldn't be cut... that is if she is growing out her topknot and face hair. I personal have been waiting for her hair to get a bit longer so that I can include it in her topknot. I've been using a bent eyebrow brush to comb the hairs around her eyes. I try to get the hair to grow straight up, so I can added it to the topknot.
Lola & Danny - Thank You For Loving Me!
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