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Old 06-13-2008, 05:59 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by nydia View Post
Since you got her from a pet store I would ask your vet to do a CBC on her which is blood work to check all organ functions, I'm not sure how old your baby is but if she is older than 5 months then ask the vet to do a bile test on her to make sure her liver is functioning right. Make sure to take some of her poop along with you to the visit so it can be test for parasites, if she has parasites that may be the reason for her not eating. For now that is all I can think of, oh yeah about the cough thing, if she makes a coughing or choking sound after playing it might be whats called reverse sneezing, yorkies have very tiny noses and sometimes dust or hair can get caught in there air ways and they do what's called reverse sneezing totally normal but then again it could be a loose trachea, ask the vet to check for a loose trachea.
2nd everything!
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