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Old 06-10-2008, 07:25 AM   #1
abbey lee
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Default HELP!! I want to get Abbey spayed, family won't let me...(want her to have puppies!)

This is going to sounds terrible, I know. And I will probably get some negative responses but please please keep in mind MOST people do not know as much about yorkies as many YTers.

Abbey is six months old now and I want to get her spayed ASAP, my vet does too. Problem is, my grandma bought Abbey for me AND pays all her vet bills. I probably could not do it on my own as I am struggling with being in college, having loans, rent, ect. So I guess my fam feels some entitlement to what goes on with her bc of that. When I first got Abbey they said they wanted to breed her with my sister's yorkie, Noodle. I kind of blew this off like they weren't very serious. Well now, they really want to do it. I brought up that I was thinking she should get spayed soon and my mom was like "No, we are breeding her!!"

I ABSOLUTELY do NOT want to breed her. First, he is very tiny, she weighs 4 pounds right now. Second, I do not know the first thing about breeding and I tell my family this and they are like "Oh, you can learn, it's not that hard." They say this bc my stepmom bred her yorkie and had little experience and everything was fine! Ugh. I try to explain them what I have read on YT and other places about how hard it is, how dangerous it is for the dogs, ect. They do not care, they just want the puppies!!!

It makes me sick bc this is my own family and they just want "free" puppies. Everyone is already claiming one!!! I try to tell them it won't be free...she may need a C-section and other vet bills. I also tell them I would have to stay home and care for the babies when they are born. By no means "free" puppies.

My main concern is Abbey. I DO NOT want her to breed bc I am afraid she will have complications. I am not willing to risk her life for this.

I even called my mom and said "Go BUY yourself a puppy from a breeder. Don't come after my dog." Basically she does not need to be "cheap."

Abbey is my baby and I thought my family loved her like me (I guess they do) but how can they see her as a puppy machine?!?!? And how can they even talk about her having puppies when she is still a puppy?? Makes me sick.

Anyway, I need your help. I want to get Abbey spayed, but like I said I cannot do it if my grandmother does not help me pay for it. What should I say to my family??? What can I say (that I haven't already) to make them see this is a TERRIBLE idea and that buying their own puppies from a breeder is a better idea?? I could probably get together some money and get her spayed and not tell them but I really just want their support. And they honestly get mad at me when I talk about getting her spayed!!

Please help.
Chelsey & Abbey

We love and miss you MINNIE. Never far from our thoughts, Rest In Peace

Last edited by abbey lee; 06-10-2008 at 07:27 AM.
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