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Old 06-04-2008, 06:41 AM   #10
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Connecticut
Posts: 292

I have six yorkies and I work 9 hours every day from 8 to 5. Once I get home they are with me the rest of the day except when it's time to go to bed, they go into their crates at night. I used to take Sabrina and Blaine with me everywhere when it was just them two and I didn't work, but now I work and Charlie and Lucy get car sick so I can't take them. they go to the park every Saturday and Sunday atleast I try to take them and not for just one hour they are there as long as they want to be. I smoke but I do not smoke around my babies and the only time they get crated during the day is if I'm mopping my floors I don't want the chemicals I use to get on their paws I make sure I mop once with whatever I'm using on my floors usually King Pine. Then I go over the floor 2 more times with just water to get up the chemical when the floors dry I let the babies out. But pretty much I feel like you do, if I can take my babies to work with me I would. I have a friend who treats her yorkie bad and is always talking bad about him saying he is dumb etc. She doesn't spend enough time with him to show him anything of course he isn't going to know how to sit when you tell him too, etc.
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