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Old 05-25-2008, 02:01 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by KitKatJam View Post
A lot of people don't know, I wouldn't have known till I did my own research, there's this elderly guy who dearly loves his mini poodle in my apartment complex. He has it on a collar and uses it for walking, the poor thing is always gagging and hacking every time he takes it on a walk, if she gets excited the slightest bit of pull and I think she's going to throw up. I didn't say anything the first time, because I didn't want to offend him.

So I decided to print up articles on how small dogs shouldn't wear collars, information on collapsed trachea, a list of harness that don't cause pressure to the neck, and decided to buy him a puppia harness and a harness dress.

The next day when I noticed he was outside, I went out there with my baby and and his dog started to gag when she got excited about her buddy being outside. I took that time to tell him about the information, and to also show him why a harness is better.

And I lifted my baby up, and showed that it doesn't hurt the neck, and he wont gag. I mentioned its very important to have a harness where we live because we have a big field in our apartment complex and lately a lot of stray pit bulls have been coming through.

The guy was so happy that I told him, he felt so bad that he was "damaging" his poodle and even started to cry.
Aww, you are sooo sweet! You bought him a harness & a harness dress I wish there were more people like you in this world. Shoot, I wish I could meet some people like the wonderful people we have on YT! Good for you for educating him

__________________ - Bear's Dogster - Daisy's Dogster
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