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Old 05-24-2008, 01:59 PM   #20
I love Jackson too!
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Originally Posted by winstonw View Post
Thank you so much for sharing Jackson and Jake's nightly get ready for bed regimine! It was so helpful and I really enjoyed hearing how these little guys hupto to the bathroom when it's time for bed...just so cute! They are lucky little guys to get those warmed up wipes! You are a very good mommy!! I was so glad you went into detail about the Petzlife routine. I had just gotten both the spray and the gel in the mail. I loved your last line....I am a dental hygienst so I couldn't agree with you more!
Thanks again!
You're welcome, I'm glad you found it helpful. My hubby kinda laughed about my nightly routine with the boys until he was at the vet with us, and my vet kept saying what nice teeth they have. You will love the Petzlife!! It really is a great product! It takes some work and some patience to get them to cooperate, but don't give up because they will eventually be fine with it. I use lots and lots of praise and they get lots of snuggling and kisses when we're done. I can't give them treats after the kinda would defeat the whole purpose lol. So, I use lots of praise, and my guys love it!!

Another thing I thought of. I've found that if you touch your yorkies a lot, especially their feet and their faces, then they get used to that and don't mind when you clip their nails, wash their faces, or brush their teeth. My boys will sit really still for me to clip their nails, but they squirm around for my husband. Also, they would never let him brush their teeth, but they will stay still if he brushes them. I do the majority of the grooming, but I realized that they were getting used to me doing it, and if something would come up and I can't, then what? So, my husband helps me with the bedtime routine a lot of the time. I wanted to make sure they would be comfortable with him doing it in case I'm too sick or I'm in the hospital because I have some health issues. They both LOVE my husband, but they were more used to me doing it. I think it's important to have someone else who can do it for you if you're unable.

Let me know how it goes with the Petzlife!
Selina, mommy to Jake and Jackson. RIP baby Lily Coming soon: Gracie

Last edited by LoveMyJake; 05-24-2008 at 02:01 PM.
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