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Old 05-19-2008, 01:32 PM   #1
Luvin' 6 Yorkies
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Omg Lacy's an escape artist!!!

Michele (MyFairLacy), Lacy and Rylie came over on Saturday for a playdate and Lacy managed to escape from my back yard twice!!!! This is around the 4th time they have been over for a playdate and this is the first time she has gotten out.

So the story goes.....we could hear her barking on the other side of the house, she had been barking at squirrels all day so we assumed that's what she was doing. Michele went to go check on her, when she came back from around the house she said "Lacy's out!!", we both went running to the front of the house, she went through the house and I went back around the other side of the house out the fence. When I got to the fence, I saw her run back around to the side of the house where she got out. Anyway we got her and brought her back to the yard, we went over to the side of the house in which she escaped trying to figure out how on earth she could've gotten out. My husband had a ladder and about 6 2x4's leaning up against the fence, we first thought maybe she used the ladder, but the runs were too far apart and it was too wobbly when you just put your hand on it. So we kept looking around to see if there were any holes anywhere, well while we were looking Lacy runs right up the 2x4s!! Michele grabbed her, we were both shocked!!! The 2x4s were leaning up against the chain link fence and probably had about a 5 foot drop off the end. Well we quickly remedied that, by moving the 2x4s to the other side of the fence (between my neighbor and I) and stood them up at a steeper angle, there was no way she was going to use them again. Anyway we went back to our socializing, Lacy was running all around the yard, then she went back over to the side of the house. She was barking and carrying on, she got quiet a few times and Michele would go check on her to make sure all was okay. Well about the 4th time Michele went to check on her, wouldn't you guess it, she was out again!!! This time she was across the street, Michele had to chase her down, thank goodness I don't live on a busy street, it's a very peaceful neighborhood. We have no idea how she got out this time, although Michele said as a puppy she couldn't find a baby gate or x-pen that could keep her in, Lacy would climb them. So we can only assume that she climbed the fence!!! Needless to say we stayed inside for the rest of their visit.

I'm going to have to figure out how she got out before our next playdate!!!
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