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Old 05-15-2008, 04:59 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Ladyhawk View Post
I find that there are times that you can kindly state the truth and you still get accused of being harsh. People come on here and they know already that they haven't done things the right way. When that is pointed out they get defensive and accuse you of hurting their feelings. What is wrong with saying "no you shouldn't breed a 4 pound bitch"? You know it to be true from other's experiences, you have read it in books by long time breeders, why is the truth considered to be rude when it's something that the poster doesn't want to hear? They come on here for quick, easy answers and don't want to hear about how you feel or what is right.
If you were considering sky diving or some other dangerous activity you would take the time to research it. You would find the best equipment, instructor, etc. You would learn all you could so that you could make an educated decision and once made that you could execute it safely. Yet when these people put their dogs life on the line because they want to breed (not the dogs decision) they can't even be bothered with reading a book or going to a show to find someone to talk to. They want the info now or they breed first and hope they can figure out enough here to get by. If you would do so much to protect your own life how can you not do so for those that you are responsible for?
I rarely post here anymore because it makes me physically ill to see so much indescriminate breeding going on and our beautiful breed going down the tube. Just because it's a nice pet doesn't mean that it is worthy to be bred. But of course they don't want to hear that so I'm mean.
I do agree with what you have said I think a lot of them rush into breeding to make a quick buck (or so they think) and truely endanger the dogs. but not every person who wants to breed is like this. some have researched for years but feel they need some aproval or some reasurrance that what they have learned is right. But if their legs are cut off at the knee's from their first word it really hurts people's feelings all thier time and research i am sure feels like for nothing I do feel bad for some that have truely done their homework and just can't share their joy for fear of being torn apart it's very sad

**Edited to add i re-read my first post i want to clear that i am not bashing the breeders here i feel a lot of them have been very helpful

Last edited by Amber_lv; 05-15-2008 at 05:01 PM.
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