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Old 05-09-2008, 07:18 AM   #8
Yorkie Talker
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Posts: 15

Well, I had the same problem with my Lulu. She was just terrified of the car - she started shivering as soon as we got in the car & once we started driving well she would just flip out panting, crying, wiggling to escape - I really thought for sure she was never going to be able to enjoy driving. She never did throw up like your little one so I'm not sure if maybe the motion makes Kammie sick & she is now nervous of feeling that way again?

I called a trainer when she was about 7 or 8 months old & she gave me some good ideas for if it's just nervousness. She told me to take it really really slow to get her use to the car. I started by walking around the outside of the car & I built her a little ramp so she could go in & out of the car if she decided. I used toys & food to lure her into the car & when she got in then there was lots of praise. I let her walk up & down the ramp - in the car then out of the car & always away from the car afterwards. Once she was comfortable getting in the car, I started get her used to closing the door of the car, then once she showed no nervousness, I started to just sit in the car with her & play games, eat her lunch there. Then getting her used to the keys being put in the ingition, once she was okay with that, then I would start the car (this took about a week or more for her to be okay with that one), then getting her use to the car being put in gear, then going up & down the driveway, then going around the block, then driving slowly around the neighborhood, then driving to her favorite park so she can play, then driving a little faster, etc.

I tried to not let her get into that nervous panic mode anymore & make the car the best place ever.

It must have taken me about a month for her to be able to go on a drive of any distance without her being nervous. I took it in tiny baby steps but then all of a sudden she just got it - the car is a good thing.

She's now about 10 months old & she can go for rides & enjoys looking out the window & smelling the air. Hopefully your little one will get used to the car soon : )

Good Luck!
Cyndi, Lulu, & Maggie
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