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Old 05-05-2008, 06:43 AM   #41
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Huntsville
Posts: 43

Originally Posted by Nikki+2 View Post
Yeah but the point is just because you can scr%w your customers, doesn't mean you should. My mom owned a dog boutique for many years and I am well aware of the typical mark up and have no problem with it. But if I bought a carrier for $60 and later saw it at PetSmart for $18, I would feel taken advantage of and would never give my business to that person again. There are many awesome sellers who make an honest profit and inspire customer loyalty. Anyone who thinks it is okay to sell a Walmart or Dollar Store dress at boutique prices would never get my business.
That's a pretty extreme example. Still though, if a person values a carrier at 60 dollars, and will pay that so that he/she doesn't have to get in their car and drive to the store and waste their time, who is to say that it's exactly wrong?

Remember, the only reasons ANY businesses make money is because of hiking the price off of the last person or entity's price. The markup on things in your typical department stores is hideous. If you knew what Macy's pays to get each article of clothing from the manufacturer, it'd probably anger you.

Let's say I live 45 miles from a Walmart, but I see a carrier I like online. It's 20 bucks at the store, and 40 online. So should I drive 90 miles roundtrip, burn the gas and waste my time, or should I buy it online?? Different strokes for different folks...
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