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Old 04-29-2008, 04:19 PM   #44
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Springfield
Posts: 483

Tucker is Johnny Knoxville
Up for Anything

The kind of pet that can leap tall fences in a single bound (or not, but give it a shot anyhow), Tucker is the original Jackass, Johnny Knoxville!

Going through the pain so you don't have to, Tucker knows that he trots a fine line between funny and stupid, but he doesn't care—he's laughing about it all the way to the pet store. His over-the-top antics make you grimace with fear and you often find it hard to believe that he actually enjoys playing the class clown. But Tucker laps it up and continues to defy the odds, despite your warnings and concerns. Other males in the pack tend to be a little jealous of Tucker, but the females find him simply dreamy. A die-hard good ol' boy, Tucker is more of a General Lee type than a Knight Rider, but give him enough time to think things through and he's sure to find a way to wreck both vehicles at the same time.

Lexie is Angelina Jolie
Traditional Beauty

Just like with Hollywood superhero Angelina Jolie, they broke the mold after they created Lexie!

Defying the conventional meaning of the word pawpular, Lexie can't scratch behind an ear without it being reported and talked about. Lexie leaves pets of the opposite sex blubbering and babbling nonsensically after each encounter, their cuteness and charm receptors bubbling over with excitement. Always one to entice a broad audience, Lexie not only loves to strut her stuff on the dogwalk, but digs every chance she gets to make a difference, adopt a pet in need or dish out for her favorite charity.
Kimberly Lee, parents of Lexie , Tucker , and Jordan
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