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Old 08-17-2005, 06:40 PM   #2
lily's mom
Lily Loves Maximus
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Originally Posted by eensor
I feel for Cindy Sheehan's pain at losing her son, but to dishonor him by what she is doing is absurd at best, and unpatriotic bordering on treasonous at worst. She is being used by the far left and the liberal media as a pawn against our president. Do liberals really think President Bush WANTS war and death? That is insane! Freedom comes at a price-- a high price, and thanks to our president, Al Qaeda has been diminished by 75%. Our former president was warned about Osama Bin Laden, but chose to do nothing and the burden now lies on Pres. Bush. What you don't hear about are the schools, hospitals, and economic projects that our servicepeople are achieving in Iraq and Afghanistan. How can liberal women disagree with a war that set millions of women free and allowed them to vote? As for WMD, Saddam had lots of time to get them out of Iraq and into Syria before we got there.

Interestingly, the majority of the Sheehan's disagree with Cindy and honor her son's memory by supporting what he died for--freedom, and the war on terror.If you don't think Saddam was a terrorist, check out the terror he did when he murdered so many of his own citizens.

What does Ms. Sheehan hope to accomplish with another meeting with the president? Does she really think he will just say "Oh, okay Cindy, you're right. Let's just undo everything we've accomplished in Iraq and let another fanatical dictator take over." It is ludicrous to think that she could possibly change his mind on this issue. We've got to stay the course in Iraq until it can stand on its own feet as a democracy or a republic.

I support President Bush in his effort to succeed in Iraq and Afghanistan! I don't agree with every one of his policies, but I do like and admire him very much! Cindy needs to go home and find a constructive way to honor her son.
Wow Elizabeth, I am very impressed!!!!!! I agree with you 110%
Lily and Dawn
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