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Old 04-11-2008, 12:21 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by hotpod View Post
i have read over and over all the problems people are having like after 3 to 4 month and in some cases 3 years old...some people cant get their yorkies to learn to hold it in their crate or in their house untill they get far my little guy has done great! we have had 2 accidents but they were my fault. he was giving me all the signs i just...i dont know i just didnt act fast enough. but is this going to be really that bad? how long will i train untill i know i can leave my yorkie alone for longer periods of time? i have an 8 week old so i know 3 hours is pushing it. i read somewhere that eventually you can leave them no more than 8 hours and they should be fine. so why is everyone having so much trouble with theirs???!!? im starting to freak out a little. is there anyone who had full success and can trust their fur babies to stay in control? i have full faith that one day i can in his crate. but i am reading about so much trouble that im losing hope. anyone let me know if they have success stories and how long it took for them to be totally potty trained! i need good news!
Hi there. I am NO puppy trainer as I just got my Yorkie a little over a week ago. She is now 9 weeks old. We are crate training and that has been going really well. We have had no crate accidents and she sleeps through the night so no problem there. This is what I do during the day.....

In the morning I let her out and take her straight outside. I ALWAYS bring a treat along so I can give it to her if she goes. After she is done her "poops and pees" then she is allowed to run and play in the house but I do keep a CLOSE eye on her at ALL times. When she is tired she goes back in the crate. She has no trouble holding it in the crate for 2 to 2 and a half hours so that is when I run and do work/errands. Then I repeat the same thing all day long.

The accidents we have had in the house were due to her being under the kids watch. (My kids are older and great with her but haven't picked up on potty signs yet...I am still learning too) If I see her in the middle of going then I scoop her up and take her straight out. I say "no" ONLY if I catch her in the act. If it has happened and I missed it till later then I clean it up and don't punish....she can't rememeber what she did after the fact.

But, I know I am a LONG way from her being trained....

I am planning to use the bell training method. I got the bell just need to tie it up.
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