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Old 04-05-2008, 09:54 PM   #38
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I don't know if this post should be here or where it should be (If needs to be somewhere else please move it) but I thought since there was talk of pet laws and such her it might be okay to post it here.

Anyways Deana (Thank U very much!!) has brought the Pet Laws to my attention in my own City, County and State. Well I've been doing nothing for the past 2 days but searching and reading about Pet Laws, who to write/contact and such, while searching I've came across some bad, bad sites on Puppy Mills, Pet Store Puppies and such, it is so heart breaking to view this.

I feel I have to get involved somehow! I never in my life seen as I've seen and realized in the past few days (I watched Oprah too). And there's something else (Like the Puppy Mills) that I don't know if people here at YT know about that I think they should be aware of. I never knew about it until I did my searching!

Do U think I should put a new thread on YT about what I've found (It's so sad guys and it's here in my own State and not very far from my City that I live in!) I just want to try to somehow help, this is truly killing me, inside my heart is so heavy with this. I never ever thought things like this could happen so close to where I live.

I just want others to try to understand how this comes about and how we get these puppies and how they get into the shape they are in. I know those here will and do have their own OPO about things like this.

I'm in no way saying all breeders are bad this isn't it, if people would just take a look and read what I've found then they will maybe just maybe think twice about all this as far as Puppy Mills and Pet Store Puppies. What do U all think? I really don't know what to do. I know I'm some how going try to defend Responsible Breeders and try to get something done about the Pet Store Puppies/Puppy Mills here in our area.
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