Thread: pure or not?
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Old 04-03-2008, 08:06 PM   #85
For My Coby
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Originally Posted by blitz View Post
This is such a sad thing. Please let me say that the pictures that a few of you posted of your yorkies that you got in petstores are absolutely beautiful doggies! I know you love them with all your heart and feel protective of them. The problem for me is just thinking about the babies' mothers left behind. It is just so sad and horrible how these dogs are being kept. Imagine your yorkie all matted in a dirty wire crate, getting crap food and no love ever? Fleas and sores and scabs and worms... it is so inhumane, I can't understand how people can treat any living thing this way, no less a dog! Well, that's why I am against pet stores, it is definately not the puppies, they are the lucky ones.

So understand who I am sad for. It is for their mothers. It just makes me so terribly sad

P.S. I've bought dogs in petstores myself and thinking of their mothers being kept this way is haunting. The puppies can be hard to resist but we are keeping these dirty bas*ards in business when we buy their puppies.

So that's why people get so angry but really, they should not get angry at you... You're not the one mistreating anybody and you never would but hopefully you'll be able to resist in the future just because it really is the right thing to do for the dogs back at the mill.

Belive me, on this subject I don't mean to preach, it's just that I feel very sad for these poor poor dogs and I hope that you can think of them too and keep them in your thoughts and do everything you can to ease their suffering. I am looking forward to Oprah tomorrow, although I know it is going to be painful.
Very good post. This is exactly the point why I can't go into a pet store that sells puppies and kittens (heck, I even have a hard time with the bunnies and hamsters). I hope that I never judge anyone that does go in and can't help themselves - even if they do know they are inadvertently aiding the cycle.

As far as educating, remember that everyone's "education" sinks in at a different rate of speed. Just because we say something that we think is profoundly wise and unavoidably persuasive, it may sink into the reader's mind days, weeks, months from now - something else might jog the memory of your eloquent post right into an "aha" moment.
Diane, and my boys ..... Coby and Reggie !!
Striving to be a YTPP - a YT Positive Poster!
In Memory of My Beautiful Mother 7/22/28-8/27/08
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