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Old 03-30-2008, 06:12 PM   #11
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That's sweet, you are blessed. I have rasied my 17 year old well and he hates me right now, think s never did anything for him, etc...., we have always catered to him and put him in every sport he wanted to be in starting with t ball. I hope he will come back to me and be the loving son he once was.


Angie, I know nothing of boys lol. I've never catered to any of my girls (Not saying there's nothing wrong with it but having 4 I really couldn't, mine was in sports too if we could afford it that is.) My oldest daughter has a mouth (Just like me lol) and knows how to use it, we have fussed U would belive how much over her teen years. Now Val was the quiet one, not saying or back talking much.

But I will tell U this is my oldest daughter who wrote this and she is now 23.5 and we had our rounds about a month before her 18th Birthday, she was sneaking out of our house going down the TV antenna (We had a 2 story house then), going to Valeries' (My now 22 year old) room and climbing right over top of Val to get to the window. lol..

Val never told on Heather! Well I knew something was up and at that time we had a old trailer out back of our house and I used it to paint in all the time, she was sneaking out there and staying after going out with her boyfriend (He was an only child and his mother let him by with anything and everything & I'm not saying there's anything wrong with only children, just this one), even going so much as to hide in the ditch in front of our house waiting for him to pick her up. Now mind U we (Me & My Hubby had our bedroom downstairs and our 2 little ones then was ages: 2 & 4 (I think) and they shared their bedroom across from ours). Well I got up one morning early as our littlest daughter got up it was like 5 am. & I noticed the light out in the trailer was on, I thought why is that light on, well here she come sneaking in the back door soak and wet. I ask her why she was out in the trailer and she said reading, I thought okay. And why are U so wet well it was raining, yeah right not that much.

Later that day I told Hubby and we thought she was sneaking out. We sit her down and told her if she was sneaking out and running with her boyfriend at night then we would not put up with it. No other warnings what so ever. I told her I wasn't going to get up and have to run all over town trying to find her and loosing sleep having to take care of these two babies (Her younger sisters). I warned her that if she did it she wouldn't be living here.

Don't U know 2 weeks before her 18th Birthday (July 7th is her B-Day) I went upstairs to sneak and see if she was there. Sure enough she was gone!! I crawled right in her bed and went to sleep and guess what here she came just before daylight crawling in the window of her sisters room and came in her room, there ol' mom was in her bed, I heard her (Sleep light due to raising babies lol) and I got up told her to pack U're bags, NO she said, I said Dont' U stand there and tell me NO, oh yes, missy I meant what I said. U're moving. Where will I go? I said I don't know U should of thought of that before U snuck out that window. Of course with all the yelling we we're doing here everyone was up.

She packed her bags and left, (I made her wait till later that day to leave when our babies was napping so they wouldn't get all tore up, and I explained to them that she moved.) her birthday came and she was still gone, we give her gifts, got her cake, she didn't talk much...I could see the sadness in her eyes, broke my heart to have to do it but I had to. (It broke her heart too, as she couldn't stand being away from us all! Told me this later) She finally came around and now she will tell U, this was the best thing I could of ever done to her. And she respects me now as a mother.

Sometime we as parents have to be the mean one, & yes they do leave us but they will come back always!! I know it happened to me. Just do what U have to as a parent and he'll come to realize that it was what was best for him at the time. And once grown he'll respect U!!! Let me know how it goes and if U want U can PM me anytime. U're in my thoughts. Hugs
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