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Old 03-29-2008, 09:07 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by pepe mint View Post
so the mom is healthy. her great grandfather is champion. that doesn't matter. period. bottom line is these 2 dogs are throwing blue puppies and that in itself is just not good. blue borns run a VERY HIGH risk of living very painful, unhealthy lives. if they live long at all. and with that being said...this is not something you should be allowing to happen or encourage. you should be breeding to better the breed...and this is just not what is going on. chocolates, reds, blues, goldens...that is not standard and it is HIGHLY discouraged.
I know you asked for people to be positive when posting here...but I'm people who have a passion for this breed....some of us just cannot let it go without trying to help. I would hate for these...or any be sold to homes...get really sick...the new owners have NO idea what to do and don't want to deal with it. they get mad at you. they get rid of the puppy...the cycle continues.

OR...if they think they have such a rare dog...they decide to go off and breed and things get gradually worse for this breed.

sorry if I am out of line here..but I think these dogs should NOT be bred.
I don't think your out of line..Breeding off colors in one thing, but when it creates Blue Born puppies thats a whole different thing. Any litter that produces blue borns should never be breed again period!
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