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Old 03-28-2008, 06:06 PM   #8
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Teddy is home and he did wonderfully. I think I worried more then he did,lol!!

I picked him up at 2:30 and brought him home with some pain meds that he will be taking for 4 days. He got some nutrical when he got home cause he still couldn't have food yet, so him and I took a nice nap. We woke up from our nap and had a few nice calls from our YT friends checking up on us. He's drank water and had a small amount of food which he gobbled up. I know he's hungry but we have to introduce food slowly so he doesn't throw up. He's getting slowly hand feed and loves the attention. I got all 8 of his teeth to take home!!

Ty all for the wonderful calls to check up on us!!
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