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Old 03-27-2008, 09:07 PM   #1
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Question What does betterment of the breed mean to you?

A while ago, there was a big argument about the petition of not opening a new Petland on Craigslist. The way the petitioners were going at it was wrong and there were very rude. Some one called them out on it and told a particular poster that they wouldn't follow someone like her because she was very rude and they wouldn't follow someone who were rude and whatnot. She would receive better results if she went about her attitude another way. I agreed because she was very, very rude and everyone know how I like to call people out on their rudeness, so I fully agreed! LOL

Anyway, they argued back and forth, calling each other names. The petitioner then accused the other person of supporting Petland. The other person then started to explain that she wasn't supporting them but was trying to prove the point that the way she was going about getting her point out was rude. She said she is a breeder and people sometimes call her and accuse her of being a backyard breeder and puppy mill then they try to talk her out of breeding but they do the same thing the petitioner does and act very rude at it so she doesn't give them the time of day to give their opinion.The petitioner then starts to call her a BYB. The other person then started talking about how she use to show but then didn't see what the point was after a couple years. She said that you are suppose to better the breed but then all you're doing is breeding healthy, beautiful dogs of a standard to create another beautiful dog. And all you're doing is doing that over and over. She said that there wasn't a point to it because all you're doing is showing how you were able to breed to create the beautiful puppy that you are showing. Nothing else. That is what you're basically doing, breeding to create pretty pups so they are able to breed and create more breeding pups that have no purpose but to breed to create more pretty pups and provide love to a new home.

She said she didn't need someone to tell her her dogs were beautiful so she got out of it and bred to the standard but just bred to create healthy puppies for families to love and are beautiful. She then continue to say that they should also start petitioning dog shows, too. That the breeders aren't helping because they are just breeding to create more dogs and is keeping families from looking at shelters, too. (I think she was being sarcastic). And yadda, yadda, yadda.. (What I needed is above, everything else was right back about the petition.)

She breeds Chinese Crested I believe because she mentioned that breed but I was skimming fast so probably missed a different breed discussed and could have been the breed she bred.

What I said above isn't word for word. Before I realized that this could be a YT topic and could go back to copy, it was flagged. So I'm relying on what I remember!! Some points were missed and left out!

ANYWHO.... What she said got me thinking, What does betterment of the breed mean to you?

We always here breeders say it, but what exactly does it means to them, right? I would like to know what everyone else thinks, not just breeders. So I can get a feel what each individual think breeders should do.

AND PLEASE...... don't be rude in this thread!!!
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