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Old 08-15-2005, 05:13 PM   #10
Yorkie Yakker
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Location: Landing, New Jersey
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Animal Smiley 049 Great Advice & Information

Originally Posted by Rizzi
Yes, males are better. The reason is because females have strong hormonal activity, and female dogs can be quite moody! I raise both pet quality as well as show potential Yorkies. I totally understand how you have fallen in love with a Yorkie. They are cetainly terrific-unlike any other breed. I would suggest looking for a local breeder (small scale is best). Take a tour of their home, puppy house, etc to see the conditions. Are feeder, waterers, cages clean? How does it smell? Check to see if there is an air ventelation system. I have one that turns on every 20 minutes to circulate the air, pump in new air and blows out stale air. Be sure to ask for references of clients who have adopted 'babies' from that breeder, and most important - get a written guarantee. Pups are best brought home after they are 12 wks old. Please let me know if I can be of further help. Good luck, and welcome to the Yorkie Fan Club!
Dear Rizzi,

Thank you for taking the time to answer my post. I sure wish you were located in the Northeast region! Your advice sounds great and I will put it to use. Another question, if I may. After a female is spayed, in your experience, are they still subject to moodiness? The 9 year old male Yorkie that I am baby-sitting (Sampson, who sadly will be returning to his "Mommy" in Pa. next week) is a doll. He has claimed and marked my yard and immediate area as his own with the territorial spraying that males do. He was raised by a loving and excellent owner, is extremely well-behaved, fully socialized (loves people, children and my cats) and is a real show-stopper when I take him out to a park, a walk around the block or to the store.

I have e-mailed a few local breeders (Northwest/Central NJ) and hope to develop a relationship with one. I have heard that it can be a good thing to allow the breeder (once he/she knows what you are looking for) to select the pup (and therefore the sex) for you. Do you agree with this?

Thanks again for your time!
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