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Old 03-21-2008, 07:55 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by BamaFan121s View Post
I would just like to say something, generally speaking, not directed at anyone individually. I read a thread today that really made me think and helped me put alot of my thoughts into words:

The thread in itself is a prime example of why people come here for help and don't get it, why people ask questions and don't get answers.

I have not been on in a few weeks...I've been dealing with some major speedbumps in life and have not had the chance to log on. Now that things are settling down and I have the chance to think about something else for a minute, I read all this and it just makes me want to cut my PC off.

Honestly, the disregard for these dogs and the attitudes directed at those who DO try to help is enough to turn anyone off of YT and breeding altogether.

More and more frequently, new members/breeders sign up and ask questions. People who clearly have limited (if any) knowledge regarding Yorkies as a breed and the breeding process altogether and people who openly have intention$, goal$ and motivation$, and practice$ generally frowned upon by the Yorkie community and those committed to it.

They come onto YT as newbies, learning as we all once did and ask basic questions--then begins the bickering!

Many of the questions are things that should be researced well in advance of breeding. Breeding is not something that should be picked up as you go along!

Nevertheless, those experienced and with many years of knowledge--either those who can stomach the stress or those who have not given up--answer the questions giving honestly and give good advice. Sometimes the answers are not the ones you want to hear and sometimes they come accross as harsh--all in an attempt to try to get others to realize the seriousness of breeding and how dangerous it can be if done irresponsibly! This results in many new members either genuinely feeling attacked or crying victim to gain support and distract attention from their newly established, questionable breeding practices--bottom line, the dogs and their well being sadly take a backseat to the new, 'more important' issue--who is being 'rude' and who got their feelings hurt. The advice and answers that were given are forgotten, ignored and not followed or even considered by those who claim to be here because they so desperately need help or want to learn?! Something there just doesn't add up. (Or maybe it is just as it seems.)

Then come the comments such as, "They are just going to do it anyway" and "May as well try to help out" Well, I'm sorry, but I for one refuse to 'help out' anyone who breeds irresponsibly. Furthermore, I know there are many others who feel the same way and who have 'given up' trying to help others as it only results in them being criticized for being truthful, God forbid.

So my point is, THIS is why so many of the long time, well respected breeders that are (or were) members here don't even log onto YT anymore and why those who do don't bother to answer questions or help anymore. I can think of several breeders who have been at this a long time, who have shown and had success doing it over the years, who I have learned alot from and who could offer information and share their experiences, greatly benefitting us all--several members who fit this mold but who don't come to YT anymore or bother to post at all.

It's really unfortunate. I can't speak for everyone, but I really miss some of the long time breeders that used to post frequently--I learned alot from them and enjoyed reading what they had to say. Now when I come to the breeder section, it's not filled with anything helpful at all.

I don't know the solution to the problem. Heck, I don't even know if there is a solution! And maybe it's because I've recently had to deal with something that made me reconsider what really takes priority in my life and has made me rethink things I thought I had my mind made up about a long time ago. But for whatever reason, this bickering among people who all have (or claim to have) the same concerns (their dogs!) in mind seems completely ridiculous and petty and completely non-productive. Like I said, I can't fix it, but I can choose not to involve myself in it and rather focus my attention on other things, both on and off YT, relating and not relating to dogs.

If you come on here and ask a question, then listen to the advice given and understand that some answers will be passionate and not what you hoped for, but maybe what you truly need to hear. If you're answering a question, let it go and don't stress over those who refuse to see reason. And regardless of who you are, let your dogs, not some point you are trying to prove, be your main concern.

Anyways....that's all I got.

Well said Misty!!

People soon forget that this forum is here for THE DOGS, and all too quickly make it about themselves...

I couldn't agree more!

I don't consider myself an experienced breeder, I'm still learning every single day, but I know how to take advice, and that's why I am where I am today. People always ask me how I could've started a breeding program at my age. Well, it was because I listened and learned...and I took all the information in that my mentor, and others who knew what they were doing, had to give me. And I worked, I worked HARD! It's just very insulting when somebody comes on here and says, "hey I just bred my two yorkies...what do I do?"

Even I got completely disgusted the last few weeks, and I have started to type a reply and then deleted it several times.

It's just sad...

Last edited by EmrldShdwQueen; 03-21-2008 at 07:59 AM.
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