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Old 03-10-2008, 02:22 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Breny View Post
Would you find me to be unreputable if I decided to not dock a pup I was going to keep for myself? I haven't decided one way or another. I was going to ask in this post what others were to think if I breeder had a female they breed and she had a tail.

(mind you I understand this isn't a thread for our show people)

I in no way have decided to not dock the puppies I put up for adoption, unless AKC changed the standard. But for me personally I really don't know how I feel?
I have to admit that when I see an owner of a yorkie with a tail it makes me wonder what kind of breeder it came from...and I'm talking about yorkies I've actually seen in person in Texas. I highly doubt these people I run into bought one from another country. So then I wonder if they bought from a breeder that didn't have a clue what they were doing. For example, one customer at a dog boutique I worked at had a cute little tiny yorkie. An older man was breeding lots of yorkies and actually gave them the dog for free..she has a tail and dewclaws..she also had liver shunt (so wasn't really free after all).

So while it does NOT automatically mean that the dog didn't come from a reputable breeder...I really can't help but wonder. On YT I know a lot of dogs come from out of the US and there are a lot of rescues. But above I'm talking about the dogs I've seen in person in this area.

I've seen people say to request that a breeder doesn't dock the tail of a puppy for them....but if its a show breeder, they wouldn't do that because what if that pup turns out to be a show potential and the breeder wants to keep it for themselves. Then they would have a pup with an undocked tail that can't be shown. So far as you...what if this puppy you are keeping with an undocked tail doesn't turn out to be what you want in your breeding program? As a newborn there is no way to know if she'll be of quality or health to really can't determine that until they are at least 6-8 months of age. So what if she doesn't turn out like you expected....then you've got to find her a pet home and it might be more difficult since she has a tail?

I don't think not docking tails makes you a bad breeder at all, but it is the standard and I believe in following it. And what is the point of docking all the puppies but one? Personally too..if I went to a breeders house to look at puppies and saw that their mother had an undocked tail, I would think it was a little strange (unless I knew she came from another country). I just think an undocked tail takes away from the clean-cut sillouette of the yorkshire terrier.

Anyway, I hope that answers your question. I mean obviously all of this is opinion and just how I honestly feel...doesn't mean that others feel this way. As you can see with this poll, many people don't have a problem with undocked tails. I just personally like for the tails to be docked
~Magnifique Yorkies~
Purchasing from backyard breeders, pet shops, and puppymills perpetuates the suffering of other dogs.
Educate yourself and buy from reputable breeders or rescue.
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