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Old 03-10-2008, 04:01 AM   #43
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Jeter is a delightful mixture of a bunch of personalities all rolled into one super cute package.

He is a little lover, alway's ready to give you kisses,I remember his breeder telling us when he was a few weeks old that he loved to give kisses and boy was she ever so right, he is 5 months old and alway's ready with kisses even if you are down on the ground playing a game of tug of war, he will come up and start licking your face.. hmmm maybe thats his plan all along to get that toy back he licks you till you are laughing and snatches the abandon toy back into his possession so then you have to throw Smarty pants into the mixture. He has been so easy training, he catches on fast with his commands and we are also teaching him a few tricks. He is Energetic, coming down with multiple cases of the zoomies throughout the day and night, likes to play fetch the ball till he poops out halfway across the room after you have thrown the ball 100's of times to the other room. He is an attention seeker,he has to be by one of us at all times, when we were playing a board game the one night, we all took turns holding him because he would whine for us when we would set him down. He also loves getting attention when I take him out shopping with me, He loves all kinds of people and is super friendly to everyone. Curious, that nose of his if alway's sniffing to find something to investigate. Brave and fearless, he is alway's on the guard, snitching on my 4 boy's when they try to sneak out of bed , barking at the Rottie that takes a daily walk past the house, or even barking at a gust of strong wind that blows the wind chimes out on the front porch, Jeter is alway's ready to protect me from lurking dangers even if its 2 am! He is a cuddle bug when its sleepy time and Picky on how he has to be held by me to fall asleep for the night, if I lay him in his bed too soon he climbs right bask out of his bed and puts his paws on the couch and gives me an adorable look that I can not resist and I pick him back up and he will cuddle back up and close his eyes.

To me he is just the perfect combination of a bunch of things that just make him my special little guy.
Brandy and her love bugs Jeter Axl Yumi Yasha
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