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Old 03-07-2008, 12:15 AM   #3
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hehehe I won't say a word to the girls I promise

try taping them while he's asleep.. If he wakes up.. just let him walk around and tire himself out.. don't attepmt to do it again right away cause he'll realize what you're doing and he get them both out.. or do what I did with Evie when I first started giving her her ear drops (ear infection).. give him a treat.. attempt to stict the tape on his ear.. another treat... whatever you do next().. another treat.. and so on... they're quick learners or give him one treat just as you're begining.. and then lay a few out and let him nibble.. more than likely.. he'll wiggle the first few times.. but then.. he'll understand that he's in no way being hurt by it.. and he'll just sit there (which is what Evie now does when I give her her drops.. I don't even have to have my bf holding her anymore.. she'll sit nicely in my lap)
Edith and my two Princesses Kayah and Evie
Proud Member of "The Pink Club"
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