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Old 02-20-2008, 03:21 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by yorkies2luv View Post
Emmy has an interesting story! Emmy was purchased by my 26 year old daughter in NC from a reputable breeder. She was 5 months old and very sweet. My husband, I and our 10 year old yorkie, Mozart were flying up to meet Emmy. My daughter had just had her for 3 weeks. My daughter took her to get groomed for our visit. When she picked her up at the groomers, she had been shaved and was very upset. My daughter said she looked and was acting very different from before the grooming. She thought Emmy had just had a bad experience at the groomers, but she continued to growl and bark more than before. One month later, she took Emmy to get spayed. The vet called to say the puppy had already been spayed, and she was not 6 months but closer to a year old. The only explanation was that she had been switched at the groomers. My daughter was distraught. The groomer was able to find her original puppy who they had given to another customer who they confused with my daughter. This girl was also in her mid twenties and a young professional living in the same area of town. When Emmy came home, she was confused and cried when my daughter left for work. The other girl had another yorkie, and Emmy had gotten used to the company during the day. Some of the neighbors who worked from home at the condo development heard her crying. My daughter decided that Emmy needed more attention and company than she could give her at that point. She brought her to her dad and I where she could have a yard and our yorkie, Mozart for company. We have all fallen in love with Emmy, and we all spoil her to death including Mozart. She also gets to see her other mommy quite often!!
Wow!! How on earth did the groomer get them confused??? and I wonder how the other owner didn't know she was given the wrong dog?? Did they look that much alike?? I'm so glad you eventually got the right Emmy's great that she's kept in the family....
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