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Old 02-06-2008, 07:08 AM   #1
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Default It was a good Monday!

Salem Ohio Home Depot's Customer Service

On Sunday morning at 10:30am, I received a call from my co-worker in the paint department at Home Depot. Susan said "we have a situation here!" Seems there was a puppy found at the door. One of the cashiers brought the small dog inside, called her parents to see if she could take it home but they said no. She was in tears. The puppy was put into the cashier's enclosed hut in the outside garden until they could figure out what to do because they couldn't keep her inside the store. That's when Susan called me because she know I raised yorkies. I jumped into the car and took off to rescue this puppy. Before I saw the puppy, they were telling me that she looked like she was neglected because she was small. As soon as I saw it I knew it was not a puppy, it was a yorkie mix about 10 years old and definitely not neglected. She jumped up on my leg to be picked up. I took her home and placed her in our spare bedroom so my dogs didn't beat up on her. Then I immediately sat down at the computer and made signs to take to work with me as my shift was to began at 11:30am.

When I got to work, I asked the assistant store manager if it was OK to put some signs up in the store. He said yes. I gave signs to one of the cashiers to put up around town when her shift was over. Apparently they had called a friend that works at the county dog pound and gave me her number and said I was to take the dog to the pound in the morning. I took the paper and stuck it in my pocket with no intentions of doing so. I was going to do what ever I could to find the owner.

When I went home for lunch I checked in on Chica, the temp name I gave her. She came running to see me. I took her outside and she explored our yard. That night I brought her into our family room and placed her in the cage. She whined for a long time, wanting to be held but I was afraid my dogs would jump all over her although I knew that once the initial meeting was done they would all be fine.

The next morning I took Chica to my vet to see if she had a micro chip, which she did not. I came home and called the Salem Police dept. to see if anyone had reported a small dog missing and left my name and number. Then I again sat down at the computer and began sending emails Columbiana and Mahoning county Dog Warden, Dog Pounds, Angel for Animals and the Salem News. It was only about 15 minutes later when the girl from the Salem News classified called me. She said "I think I've found the owner." She had just called in to place a missing dog ad and gave me the ladies phone number. I called the number and asked the lady to describe the dog to me. Yorkie/chihauhau mix, docked tail, yorkie coloring, 10 years old, short hair. Sure enough it was Chica.

Gizmo had been missing since Saturday morning when her boyfriend left Gizmo outside and when he went to get her, Gizmo took off running. She had been gone almost 24 hours before showing up at the Home Depot. Eydre met me at Home Depot and she was reunited with her Gizmo! I had to laugh because we have a Gizmo. The similarities didn't end there. We both live on Oak Street in different towns. I raise yorkies, her mother used to raise yorkies. My granddaughter lost her dog and I know how much pain Eydre was going through. As soon as Eydre took Gizmo into her arms, the puppy kisses started!

It was a good Monday!

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