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Old 02-02-2008, 07:18 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Shanatink View Post
Im trying to lose my baby weight (62 lbs altogether to be exact! but I only have 35 more pounds to go ) so I started doing the low carb diet this past week. Im not a huge vegetable eater and Im not too crazy about beef and I hate fish so being on this diet has left me to eating nothing but salad, chicken, cheese, eggs, cauliflower, zuchinni, sugar free jello & sugar free red bull . So does anyone have suggestion for other items I can add to my list or maybe some easy recipes or some fast food items that I can work into my diet? Im not too big on cooking either which complicates things, lol. So I need help!
If you are nursing, I don't think I would diet that way. You actually will burn off a fair amount just by nursing better than any diet. It hasn't really been that long. Of course, if you aren't nursing then I guess anything goes and I did have success with the low carb diet. What about eggs? I think when I was on it, I really got tired of chicken as that was pretty much all we had. Good luck!
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