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Old 02-02-2008, 04:44 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by MyFairLacy View Post
Aren't all your new dogs between 2-4lbs full grown?
Little Desiree is a tiny girl... and would never be used for breeding as she's 9 months old and just 1 lb 12 oz. Unless she has some wild spurt that sent her into a growth frenzy, lol - it'll never happen.... she'll be a mama's girl for always, and that's just perfect - exactly what I wanted!

As for everyone else - we'll have to see what they do and how they grow... none of them are finished growing (except Sebastian) and I know for certain that Amelia will be in the 5 - 5.5 range once she's at her healthy adult weight. She is currently 10 months old and just over 4 lbs, but came to me very thin and needs proper nutrition to build her up and we'll see how she finishes out.

Mia is a pretty little girl, so we'll have see about her.... she's currently 3 lbs at 10 months old but that is not so much of a concern for me as her petite build and compact little body... good for "the look" but not so much for being a mommy... I prefer the longer bodies for a healthier pregnancy. She'll be a "wait and see" as to whether she is mama's baby or a "baby mama" hahaha...

Gracie is currently 8 months old and 4 lbs.... she's going to be a beauty!! Breaking her coat beautifully - - dead level top line... perfect bite... her height/body length proportion is perfect... nice earset... she's going to be gorgeous.... but she's APRI registered... and I prefer to stay with AKC... so I haven't decided whether I'll use her in my program or not. I do have the okay from her first mommy in the event I decide to, but again, I just need to think on that some more before I make that decision.

My little male Sebastian is 4 years old - 2 lbs. and should be a wonderful stud, so we'll see what his background and current health reveals.... as with everyone else.

As for the other girls that I've not brought home yet.... well, they have wonderful backgrounds - and are beautiful.... but again, under a year old and until I have them in my hands to get a good "look over", I won't know if they will be potential mom's or my forever baby girls.... either will be fine with me!

I'm working very closely with my vet on the controversial "too small" topic and she has assured me that little ones can safely become excellent mothers provided we cover all of the necessary avenues. So, we'll continue to work together on my program and I will heed whatever advice she provides, regardless of whether her views agree with my own opinions or not.

I believe most of our genetic testing will take place at OSU and I highly respect their opinions as to whether my babies are of "breeding quality", so again, these decisions will be essentially left up to what results I receive back from the medical professionals involved.

As for "standard", I'm not going to limit myself to the "blue and tan" as I personally love the dark colorations as well and hope to build a beautiful black / gold line within my program. (another controversial topic)

My goal will be to produce solid healthy pups, of good genetic make-up and a quality background - - - well rounded, docile tempered, appropriately socialized - - I'm hoping for pups that will be between 3 and 5 lbs as adults and with "the good looks" to match!

My puppies will be placed on a spay / neuter contract into pet homes though I do hope to EVENTUALLY raise at least one baby out of the blue/tan line that will have the "what for" (haha) to enter the show ring.

I myself, am not "up to par" to become a "showman" but do hope to place one of my pups one day with someone who will finish him/her out for me.... that's a long term goal, but one worth reaching for!! So with each litter, I will be "on the look out" for "the one"!!
Libby Gracie Mia & "Baby Emma"
~ My precious Natalie Kaye, you will ALWAYS be in my heart ~ I LOVE YOU!!!
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