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Old 02-01-2008, 07:45 AM   #119
Baby Remington
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Fort Frances,ON
Posts: 4
Default Price

I don't think that you are asking to much at all, not everyone can afford to pay over $1000.00 for a yorkie but that doesn't mean that you have to deprive yourself of having what you want. I paid $550.00 US for Remington and he is as healthy as can be, you really just have to be patient.

Originally Posted by pickles View Post
Please be honest since maybe what I need is a kick in the butt!

I have been looking for a yorkie off and on the last year. I say 'off' because sometimes I would get thisclose to getting a yorkie and then the deal would fall through. So I would be sad for the next few weeks before I started looking again.

I wonder if what I am looking for is next to impossible? I want a female yorkie that is small (but not sickenly small) preferably black and gold that is within driving distance to pick up from my home in Michigan. Guess the problem is I REALLY can't spend over $1,000 and that is still way more than I should spend. I wanted to use our tax refund and initially set the "puppy budget" at $500.

I just keep running into walls. Numerous puppy finding websites out there are scams. Even the ads in the local paper! "Yorkie pups, $375." Then you call and it's "Oh, that puppy sold, but we have a bunch for $1200!" ARGH!!!

I know shipping puppies is probably safe, but I would just rather pick it up. It breaks my heart when I think of that lil pup all alone with the luggage in the dark. =(

My want for a puppy has gotten so bad, and my patience so short that I have resorted to two things. One (not so bad) is looking at other kinds of dogs, namely poms. They stay pretty small and are cute, and are cheaper than yorkies. Two (super bad and I hate to admit it, but it is the truth) I have actually considered buying from a......PET STORE! I know, right! Puppy mills! But while my mind says no, those puppies are from puppy mills, my heart says, but you can have the 3 pound yorkie in the color of your choice RIGHT NOW for 5 or 6 hundred dollars!

I think it has gotten worse because I am working from home now, and although working from home is great (no commute, no dressing up, etc) it can get lonely since there is no interaction.

So, do I hold out for the yorkie of my dreams that may never come around?

Do I get this adorable small pom puppy that is being offered to me for cheap? I get a puppy from a pet store? (I know this is not the answer)

Sad in Michigan,
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