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Old 01-30-2008, 02:22 PM   #77
Ashley V
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Originally Posted by pickles View Post
Alright ladies - I've been talking to Sara about Emma (you can find her on puppyfind, under Michigan).

What do you gals think? I mean first off, has anyone had a good experience with puppyfind? Sara seems nice, I talked to her on the phone once and we have been communicating via email.

The strange thing is why she wants to get rid of him. She says it's because the dog is too small and her son is so Dad jumped to the worst conclusion that the kid hurt the dog (or vice versa) and that the dog is probably locked in the laundry room now. =( I hope that isn't the case!

Also about the health is what she writes:

"Sorry i missed your call last night, we were putting our son to bed. But I got your message and I'm glad that you still want Emma. If you guys are really serious about her, I will take her to the vet and get a health guarantee just so you guys don't think you're getting an unhealthy dog. Also, I will throw in her cage, clothes, bowls, food, and all the other accessories that I've bought for her. I have no use for them anymore because we're going to be pet free for a couple years. Her registration is ACA (American Canine Association) and it's $15. I don't know if I can go lower on the price, I'll have to talk to my husband about it. But I'm throwing in everything you need for her so hopefully the price wont be an issue anymore."

After I talked to my husband some more, he really wanted to know exactly why they were getting rid of the dog, where it was being kept now, and where she got the dog from. I sent her an email asking those questions and this was the reply:

"Yeah, she's just too small for my son. He's only 2 and I'm afraid he'll fall on her or something of that nature. She is definitely in the house. There's no way she could go outside, although she loves to, I won't let her go out when the weather is like this. She is pad trained right now, and I have a cage that I put two old towels in because if we do the actual pads she rips them up. Later on when she gets older, she could use the pads or maybe even go outside when its warmer. Have you looked at vets over in this area. Maybe you could have her fixed over here and then pick her up from there. I'm sure they're not all that expensive. I'll be taking her to the vet and I'll be getting her shots so you won't have to worry about that part. So that will be less expense for you."

So....what do you gals think?

Also, another question. A few YTers have mentioned to me about her ears being down. I have read that it can happen when they are teething. How big of a problem is it if they never stand up? I mean, I think she looks cute with floppy ears, but would like them to stand up. Can't I just whistle and see if the ears perk up? Then maybe they just need to be shaved or something.

Anyway, looking forward to everyone's expertise! TIA!
JMO - I don't think the ears matter whether they are up or down. The way her ears lay have nothing to do with her personality and health. It's just what AKC says she has to look like. Since your not showing her, I think it adds more character and just makes her all the more special for her to have floppy ears. She looks really young yet so they might just need to be shaved. Plus, how recent are those pictures? My Smokey has floppy ears and I love them!
~*~ Chip ~*~ Smokey ~*~
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Karley Marissa born 1/20/12 weighing 8 lbs 11 oz and 21.5 inches long
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