Thread: Teenagers???
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Old 01-28-2008, 08:44 PM   #8
Donating Yorkie Yakker
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Default Teenagers

I had many, many sleepless nights with both my son and daughter during their teens. My daughter used to slice me up with her cutting words. Man! Daughters just know exactly what your weaknesses are and they go for the jugular verbally. She used to just cut me to the heart with a couple of words. Of course I was the stupidest mother in the world, and the ugliest and most disgusting and I had no idea what was going on in the world. She dated some guys I didn't approve of, and that was hard, but her husband is a terrific guy.

My son just acted out. He stayed out until all hours while I would wake up in the middle of the night and have anxiety attacks waiting for him. Then he'd be grounded, but he'd leave anyway and it didn't matter if he was grounded until he was 100 years old! He got himself into trouble, drank and did drugs. It nearly killed me. Then he had an epiphany one day and decided drugs were going to be deadly, so he gave them up. But I still had to force him to finish high school since most of his buddies were dropping out. I used to roust him out of bed in the morning after a night of partying like a bootcamp sergeant. I had to drive him to summer school to make sure he got there to make up credits after he skipped his classes for weeks.

Anyway, this too shall pass. Both my kids are great adults now. Both are married, settled, my son taught himself to be a software developer and he's good at it. My daughter has run a couple of home businesses and hopes to be a mom one day soon. It all worked out in the end. Just don't give up. Stick to your guns, make them follow the rules to the best of your ability, even if it means they hate you for a while. They'll thank you later.
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