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Old 01-25-2008, 09:15 PM   #42
Donating YT 10K Club Member
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I don't remember ever seeing this thread before.

I have to say I'm partial to the standard yorkie - always been my favorite breed of dog, with the maltese being second. I just love that blue and gold look! But I think the Biewers (and parti yorkies) are beautiful as well.

No one truly knows if the piebald gene exists in yorkies or not. My personal thoughts are that I think another breed, such as a shihtzu, is back in the lines somewhere that caused the parti gene. That's just my thoughs...I've seen many people that believe this, and I've seen many people that believe yorkies do naturally have a pie-bald gene. I've yet to see any conclusive research done from an unbiased source. I'd LOVE for someone to figure this issue out. It would solve many issues with the Parti yorkie breeders here in the US.

What I like about the Biewers is that they are their own breed with their own goals and standard. They don't claim to be a Yorkshire Terrier. They are a Biewer. I find it very exciting that they were just accepted into the ARBA - and DNA testing concluded that a Biewer is genetically different than a Yorkshire Terrier. They'll probably be accepted into the AKC as their own breed eventually.

The more I've looked at Biewers, the more I have grown to like them. I'm kindof picky about coat patterns...I'd have to find a puppy that I was just crazy about (I like the ones with a lot of gold on the face). I might eventually get a Biewer. They're beautiful and would compliment my yorkie and maltese family (that I'll have one day).
~Magnifique Yorkies~
Purchasing from backyard breeders, pet shops, and puppymills perpetuates the suffering of other dogs.
Educate yourself and buy from reputable breeders or rescue.
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