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Old 01-24-2008, 07:42 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by abbie's mom View Post
or.......Too Much of a Good Thing?

LOL ....I couldn't decide how to titile this thread. It could also have been Porkie Yorkie I knew Abigail was feeling a tad heavy for a lap dog; but yesterday we officially crossed waaaaaaaaay over into the T-POT realm at 9.2lbs!!! I know some dogs should weigh that (or more) for their frame; but, I must admit her waist is almost gone, and she kind of waddles when she walks. Now, I also must admit that I don't like to see skinny dogs, whose ribs and spine can be felt prominently. I fear some people under-feed, just to keep them in 'the standard' range.

My confession is this: I must revise my thinking and advice about "feeding to fill" on the prey model diet. At least, that is, after they seem to have their growth completed. Apparently, they will eat more than needed - if given the chance. I still hold to that a growing puppy should eat to fill.

Anyway, my porkie Yorkie's vet wants to see her loose a pound and a-half! I know....exercise will help; but, after reading about all the terrible things that happen to folks out alone, just walking their Yorkie, it doesn't inspire us to a dedicated walking program! *sigh*

LOL. Porkie Yorkie. I like that one.

I use the prey model too, and at least one of mine WILL eat almost forever if I let her. So, I do control portions. The amount they are "supposed" to have looks so small, but it really is enough for them. I think I'm just used to the portions I eat at the local Chinese buffet!
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