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Old 01-17-2008, 08:31 PM   #15
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 109

Originally Posted by khollender View Post
My two year old Yorkie has been sick for 17 days. After 8 days in the hospital on antibiotics (high bun levels) and fluids, they received results from his blood test that he is infected with Lepto. Fortunately, he was on the proper antibiotic from the time he was admitted (before they knew it was Lepto). However, he was not eating so they decided to send him home with us the first day they saw a downtick in kidney levels so we could hopefully get him to eat at home.
His first day home was decent...he was eating and playing a bit. I presume he was happy to be back with us. After 4 days, we took him to have his levels rechecked and they said his kidney levels were the highest they have been. He will eat small portions of lean steak / chicken from time to time, but he seems to be getting depressed and his appetite is getting worse.
Is there anything else we should be doing for this little guy? We are so worried. He is currently on Doxycycline (sp?) antibiotic. We will do anything to nurse him back to health. Please help.
This is the one vaccine I don't let my Vet give my babies I just read NY is one of the states that have frequent cases of Lepto. If you don't mind where in New York are you? I live in Brooklyn ... I frequent Central Park with my furbabies.
Nana to Pierce & Mia
Mommy to Shiloh Jolie & Harmony (Biewer Yorkshire Terrier) Sophia Chanel (Ragdoll)
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