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Old 01-12-2008, 07:09 PM   #124
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Originally Posted by EmrldShdwQueen View Post
I've been REALLY trying to stay out of all of this...

Dena, I know you're upset right now, but the right baby will come along for you. Please try to understand how Deanna feels. Some breeders cover this very thing in their contracts for this reason. It has nothing to do with the fact that you would make a good home for Charisma, but rather that she HAS to protect her babies from being passed around from home to home. As a breeder, I completely understand this. I don't want the Yorkies that I raise being put ANYWHERE besides where I put them without my consent. I'm not saying Charismas owner is a bad person or doesn't take care of her dogs, but the bottom line is that there was a contract that was most likely covered extensively before the purchase of the dog, and it was broken. I am so sorry that this didn't work out for you. Please remember that there are PLENTY of babies out there who need your love! Stay strong!

And to all those who are upsetting Dena...please think about the fact that just because someone takes in several dogs at one time, it doesn't mean they aren't loved and well cared for...I went from having one Yorkie to having 7 within 5 months...granted I am starting to breed and was helped out by a wonderful friend to get started, and am so grateful for that...I love each and every one of my babies the same, and with TONS of love and attention ALL the time. NO ONE can EVER accuse me of not taking care of or neglecting ANY one of them, because if you spent FIVE minutes in my home, you'd know what spoiled really Anyways, the truth is, we really don't know what's in the minds and hearts of other YT members, and we don't have any idea how they care for their Yorkies. I don't know any of you on a personal level, so I would never judge your love for your dogs or your ability to care for them...and I just think it's wrong to do so...


I will probably be criticized for everything in this let the fury rain down...
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