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Old 07-31-2005, 03:27 AM   #14
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That's ridiculous! I personally would have taken my family someplace else for our outting ... but I'm just not very nice! We had a similar experience on Father's Day ... there was an antique car show in a park near our Condo in Colorado and Patrick wanted to go. We all got ready [Toto was in her bag] and there was a big sign at the gate saying "No Dogs"! I looked at the lady in disbelief and said "You have to be kidding?" We just left and went someplace else after I shared a few choice words with her!! Yesterday, I did get an opportunity to voice our Wal-Mart concern about our babies, for whatever good it will do. I answered the phone at my Mom's and it was the Gallup Poll wanting to ask a few questions about Wal-Mart shopping experiences ... I told her I would be glad to answer her questions if she would address a concern of mine! I just told her simply that we have a tiny pet that cannot be left and that she is always in her bag. I suggested to her that they might at least "alter" their policy because I knew of about 4,000 other owners that felt the same way!! I told her that any time we were able to shop in a store that allowed us to shop with Toto in her bag that we avoided Wal-Mart altogether!! My husband and I don't do leisurely browsing in Wal-Mart together anymore and although it does save us money, we used to enjoy that sort of thing!! She assured me that she would address the issue ... I doubt it, but I felt better!
Yorkie Rescue Colorado -
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits." -- Albert Einstein
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