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Old 01-05-2008, 07:09 PM   #1
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Default Desparate for an answer

I haven't wanted to write about this before, but the situation is escalating, so I'm hoping you can help me. I am handicapped, in a wheelchair, and live with my son and his wife and 4 kids. It's either this or a nursing home. The problem is that my DIL sees my 3 yr old yorkie as a dangerous, aggressive, menace. My trainer had reinforced this (though she only saw that behavior once when Molly barked at her) and insisted on drastic training measures. In all her other training sessions she has been very good - no aggression with other dogs and people.

I love her dearly and I know I see her through another set of lenses but she is just not the menace they say. She does bark at strangers, but I put her in her kennel until she settles down, then she can come out and greet them.
As soon as she smells their legs, she is all friends. She did bite my grandson's neighbor (who was throwing apples at her) two years ago but that is the only time she has ever broken skin. She has "nipped" others (mouthed their hands), like when my DIL tried to take a treat away from her. And she has grabbed the pants legs twice of workmen at the house.

My DIL will tell you she has bitten 16 people and growled at others. But the fact is that my DIL hates her and has since day 1. Now my DIL want to take over her training. This means that she will make Molly sit/lie/stay before she gets her food. That's fine - I do that too. But Molly has to do it IMMEDIATELY or the bowl is gone until the next meal. She is OK with her going several days without food and I am not.

When I complained last Thursday my DIL threw the food and me and said - "you take over then" and hasn't spoken to me since.

Of couse I don't want Molly to bite anyone and I am working hard with her to make sure she never has the opportunity. She is on leash and under my control at all times. She is settling down very quickly now when people come. I've pottytrained her (she wasn't when I got her), and she will sit/stay, down/stay, beg, touch, shake, up, down, etc. I got her when my husband died and she fills a huge hole in my heart. She is sooo loving and sweet. I can't have her put down. What shall I do? I love my DIL too.
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